International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research
Abbreviation: IJIAAR | ISSN (Online): 2602-4772 | DOI: 10.29329/ijiaar

Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research 2017, Vol. 1(1) 15-29

Genetic Variability, Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis in Seed Yield and Related Traits of Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata (L.) Walp) Germplasm Accessions on High Altitude Area of Jos Plateau

Kwon-Ndung E.H. & Kwala T. D.

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  United States 156 289
  Turkey 78 151
  India 58 116
  France 37 39
Unknown 19 59
  Bulgaria 18 29
  Algeria 16 24
  Nigeria 14 31
  Tunisia 14 16
  Russian Federation 13 17
  Pakistan 8 20
  Albania 8 10
  China 6 10
  Europe 6 8
  Kenya 5 8
  Bangladesh 5 8
  Singapore 5 6
  South Africa 5 6
  Korea, Republic of 4 4
  Romania 4 9
  Ethiopia 4 9
  Canada 3 3
  Germany 3 3
  Brazil 3 6
  Morocco 3 6
  Macedonia 3 5
  Serbia 3 6
  Hungary 3 3
  Nepal 2 3
  Moldova, Republic of 2 2
  Iran, Islamic Republic of 2 4
  Ghana 2 2
  Cameroon 2 5
  Indonesia 2 2
Unknown 2 5
  Namibia 2 3
  Ukraine 2 3
Asia/Pacific Region 2 2
  Lithuania 2 3
  Malaysia 1 1
  United Arab Emirates 1 1
  Senegal 1 1
  Libya 1 1
  Azerbaijan 1 3
  Cote D'Ivoire 1 1
  Australia 1 2
  Jordan 1 1
  Sudan 1 2
  Japan 1 3
  Thailand 1 6
  United Kingdom 1 2
  Venezuela 1 1
  Netherlands 1 2
  Saudi Arabia 1 1
  Poland 1 2
  Finland 1 1
  Latvia 1 1
  Greece 1 3
  Portugal 0 1
  Iraq 0 4
  Philippines 0 1
  Zambia 0 1
  Rwanda 0 1
  Spain 0 1
  Sri Lanka 0 1
  Tanzania, United Republic of 0 1
  Norway 0 1
  Uganda 0 1
  Egypt 0 1
  Kazakhstan 0 1
  Bosnia and Herzegovina 0 1
  Burkina Faso 0 1
Total 72 countries