International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research
Abbreviation: IJIAAR | ISSN (Online): 2602-4772 | DOI: 10.29329/ijiaar

Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research 2021, Vol. 5(4) 452-463

A Discussion of Inbreeding Coefficients in the Herds of Turkish Grey Cattle by using Calpain and Calpastatin Gene Markers

Süleyman Kök

pp. 452 - 463   |  DOI:

Published online: December 31, 2021  |   Number of Views: 71  |  Number of Download: 568


The Turkish grey cattle (TGC) is the only local indigenous breed in Thrace and Western Anatolia. They can survive, feed, and breed without human intervention in nature. They spend the whole year, including winter, as free herds. TGC breed is under threat of extinction. Therefore they are protected by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Our investigation was supplied that purebred 51 TGC from the ex-situ protection program and 79 purebred TGC from smallholders into various villages. The research was conducted by Trakya University. Was studied that three different Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) in the genes of calpain and calpastatin in purebred TGC.  Variants of (CAPN1 316 and CAPN1 4751 SNPs) Calpain and (UoG-CAST SNP) Calpastatin genes were searched to monitor whether maintained the genetic diversity of the breed. Genetic analyses conducted on 130 cattle that have no consanguinity indicate that inbreeding coefficients calculated in each locus differed from each other. Average FIS, FIT, and FST values were determined as -0.0689, -0.0405, and 0.0266 respectively. The average gene flow was estimated to be 9.1590. The genetic variability was found to be mainly between families in subgroups (97.345%). The genetic diversity of the breed is maintained according to the results of the purebred TGC samples.

Keywords: Inbreeding Coefficients, FIS, FIT, FST, Genetic diversity, Grey cattle

How to Cite this Article

APA 6th edition
Kok, S. (2021). A Discussion of Inbreeding Coefficients in the Herds of Turkish Grey Cattle by using Calpain and Calpastatin Gene Markers . International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research, 5(4), 452-463. doi: 10.29329/ijiaar.2021.415.10

Kok, S. (2021). A Discussion of Inbreeding Coefficients in the Herds of Turkish Grey Cattle by using Calpain and Calpastatin Gene Markers . International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research, 5(4), pp. 452-463.

Chicago 16th edition
Kok, Suleyman (2021). "A Discussion of Inbreeding Coefficients in the Herds of Turkish Grey Cattle by using Calpain and Calpastatin Gene Markers ". International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research 5 (4):452-463. doi:10.29329/ijiaar.2021.415.10.

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