International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research
Abbreviation: IJIAAR | ISSN (Online): 2602-4772 | DOI: 10.29329/ijiaar

Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research 2024, Vol. 8(4) 378-390

Microwave Drying of Persimmon Puree Using Foam Mat Technique

Hürkan Tayfun Varol & Sevil Karaaslan

pp. 378 - 390   |  DOI:

Publish Date: January 02, 2025  |   Single/Total View: 21  |  Single/Total Download: 25


In this study, it was aimed to determine the possibilities of drying persimmon with a microwave-assisted fan and foam mat method is the best for drying time, color and energy consumption. Persimmon puree, initially containing 82.90 % moisture content, was dried using a foam drying method augmented with microwave and fan combinations until the moisture content decreased to an average of 1.9 % ± 1.13. Soy protein (1%) and maltodextrin (1%) were employed as foaming agents in the foam drying process. Microwave drying trials conducted at 1.8 Wg-1, 3.6 Wg-1, and 5.4 Wg-1 lasted 62, 22, and 14 minutes, respectively. Combination trials at 1.8 Wg-1, 3.6 Wg-1, and 5.4 Wg-1 at 100 °C lasted 57, 23, and 13 minutes, respectively, and at 150 °C for 47, 21, and 14 minutes, respectively. Twelve thin-layer drying equations were applied to determine the drying models. Each trial's drying rate, color parameters, and energy consumption were analyzed. The lowest color change observed at highest power density and temperature (5.4 Wg-1 & 150 °C). Külcü, Alibaş , Jena-Das and Midilli models emerged as the most suitable empirical equations, evidenced by the lowest root mean square error values. Statistical analyses categorized color parameters and energy consumption. The optimal energy efficiency was achieved with the 5.4 Wg-1 microwave drying method, yielding an energy consumption value of 2.12 Whg-1.

Keywords: Microwave drying, Foam mat, color, Specific energy consumption

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APA 7th edition
Varol, H.T., & Karaaslan, S. (2024). Microwave Drying of Persimmon Puree Using Foam Mat Technique. International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research, 8(4), 378-390.

Varol, H. and Karaaslan, S. (2024). Microwave Drying of Persimmon Puree Using Foam Mat Technique. International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research, 8(4), pp. 378-390.

Chicago 16th edition
Varol, Hurkan Tayfun and Sevil Karaaslan (2024). "Microwave Drying of Persimmon Puree Using Foam Mat Technique". International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research 8 (4):378-390.

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