International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research
Abbreviation: IJIAAR | ISSN (Online): 2602-4772 | DOI: 10.29329/ijiaar


The International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research (IJIAAR) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on scientific principles in the field of agricultural research. IJIAAR aims to give priority to studies that bring an innovative perspective on current agricultural problems. Empirical, theoretical and conceptual articles of significant originality will be considered. The journal publishes articles in English. IJIAAR is published four times a year.

IJIAAR is indexed and abstracted in TRDizin - ULAKBİMAdvanced Science Index; ASOS Index; Bielefeld Academic Search Engine BASE; Cite Factor; Cosmos; Crossref; Directory of Research Journals Indexing; Electronic Journals Library (EZB); Eurasian Scientific Journal Index; EuroPub; German Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB); Google Scholar; Index Copernicus World List; IPIndexing; Journal Factor; ResearchBib; ROAD Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources; Root Society for Indexing and Impact Factor Service; Scholar Article Journal Index; ScienceGate Academic Search Engine; Scientific Indexing Services (SIS); Scientific Journal Impact Factor; Scilit; SciMatic; WorldCat

Scientific ethical and legal responsibility of all the manuscript published in the journal belongs to the authors and publishing rights belong to the journal. Without permission from the publisher, some or all of any work cannot be published in other journals.

IJIAAR is a Crossref Member and gives DOI number to the accepted manuscript.


Pen Academic gives utmost importance to the peer-review process. All submissions will be reviewed initially by the editors for appropriateness to IJIAAR. If the editor considers the manuscript to be appropriate, it will then double-blind peer-reviewed by independent, anonymous expert referees. The reviewers do not know each other or the authors of the manuscript thanks to the blind peer review, and authors do not know anything about the identity of the reviewers. After the peer review process, the editor decides on the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript in light of the reviewer reports. If the manuscript requires major or minor revision, the peer-review process is re-operated.

Schema of Peer Review Process
Editör Prof. Dr. Yalçın Kaya 
Foundation Year 2017
e-ISSN 2602-4772
DOI Prefix 10.29329/ijiaar
Owner Pen Academic Publishing™
Pen Academic Publishing is a trademark of THDSoft.
Address Pen Academic Publishing™
Çanakkale Teknopark Yerleşkesi, PK: 17100 Sarıcaeli Kampüsü Çanakkale / Türkiye


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